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Price : $25.50 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : shenzhen tianxunda technology Co.,Ltd
Merchant :
Product ID : 35ee27f8b5c4062d3366ed53b2cde6cb
Rating :

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Ultrathin Qi Standard Wireless Charger MP01 TI Chip Wireless Charging Pad/Plat for Google Nexus 7 II FHD Tablet LG Nexus 4/5 Samsung Note 3 Note 2 S4 S3 Nokia L Description
Ultrathin Qi Standard Wireless Charger MP01 TI Chip Wireless Charging Pad/Plat for Google Nexus 7 II FHD Tablet LG Nexus 4/5 Samsung Note 3 Note 2 S4 S3 Nokia Lumia 920 820 HTC 8X iPhone 5 Type: Battery Adapter Compatible Phone Manufacturer: All Qi Cell Phones Adapter: Micro USB
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