Black Friday Deals 2014 United People iPad/Kindle/Nook Case (Kenya)
When you have to compared product benefits and value. United People iPad/Kindle/Nook Case (Kenya) is the perfect decision to spend money on. Hot Offer United People iPad/Kindle/Nook Case (Kenya)
Price : $18.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Global Handmade Hope
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Product ID : 50b865e5faf63f3850ec7052f09bcf28
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The item features are outstanding and loadeded with high quality of United People iPad/Kindle/Nook Case (Kenya) is the significant purpose that takes it among the item you would really get had. And also, it is as well friendly-budget to your wallets also. You can find the full product summary and take a look at great promotions that have recently been upgraded from the store using click the web link below. You may possibly select the beneficial offer and you can not refute it, wish you have the awesome deal.
United People iPad/Kindle/Nook Case (Kenya) Description
This fabric iPad/Kindle/Nook case features handmade construction making it a unique accent for your device. This case displays vibrant colors and patterns sure to brighten your day.Product Features: Color Options: Exterior: Black Interior: Black, Blue, Green, and, white. Pattern may vary slightly. Style: iPad/Kindle/Nook CaseExterior: Black Cotton Twill FabricEntry: VelcroLining: Poly/cotton fabric liningPattern: United PeopleMeasurements: 10 inches high x 1 inch deep x 8.5 inches wide Story Behind the Art: At this sewing cooperative in Kenya, women of different ethnic backgrounds are learning to work together due to their faith in God, who provides a higher peace. The project allows the women to care for their families, improve their sewing and marketing skills, and grow as a community. With each stitch, the women sew peace and hope into these vibrant iPad cases. Their desire is that the peace they have found through God and this sewing project will be passed on to you, the owner of the iPad case. What is Worldstock? The handcrafted touch of artisan skill creates variations in color, size and design. If buying two of the same item, slight differences should be expected. Note: Color discrepancies may occur between this product and your computer screen. Imported
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United People iPad/Kindle/Nook Case (Kenya)
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$18.99 |