Black Friday 2014 Universal single USB US plug wall Charger (travel charger) for Smartphones/tablet PC & Apple Devices 5V AC @ 1A Silver Instantly
With the Universal single USB US plug wall Charger (travel charger) for Smartphones/tablet PC & Apple Devices 5V AC @ 1A Silver you exactly be conscious of the good aspects that get together with you are required, recommended it's actually a good product for value. Hot Offer Universal single USB US plug wall Charger (travel charger) for Smartphones/tablet PC & Apple Devices 5V AC @ 1A Silver
Price : $8.72 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Shounuo
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Product ID : 1a211ed33b7b1288c0caaf8809ea9949
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In case that you are likely searching to buying item at a good top quality as well as an acceptable price. We strongly advised Universal single USB US plug wall Charger (travel charger) for Smartphones/tablet PC & Apple Devices 5V AC @ 1A Silver is one of high quality and additional well-liked item product that you are searching for. Even if you research it very carefully about product specification, features and helpful consumer overviews, of course you must not reject to buy it one. You could inspect the existing price via the hyperlink below.
Universal single USB US plug wall Charger (travel charger) for Smartphones/tablet PC & Apple Devices 5V AC @ 1A Silver Description
Universal single USB US plug wall Charger (travel charger) for Smartphones/tablet PC & Apple Devices 5V AC @ 1A Silver Type: universal Compatible Phone Manufacturer: universal Adapter: USB Standard USB Port: 1 Output Volt: 5v Output Amp: 1000 Support Volt: 100v-220v Specifications: no
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Universal single USB US plug wall Charger (travel charger) for Smartphones/tablet PC & Apple Devices 5V AC @ 1A Silver
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$8.72 |