Black Friday Deals Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Citron) Tote Handbags Right Now
Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Citron) Tote Handbags is really a really good items at a awesome price, worth every penny. Completely cheerful.
Price : $52.80 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Vera Bradley
Merchant :
Product ID : a51831b9a1a1df164a0c53c920138d24
Rating :
The product attributes are outstanding and loaded with quality of Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Citron) Tote Handbags is the huge purpose that gets it one of the product you may get owned. In addition to, it is too friendly budget to your pockets also. You could watch the complete product description and check out amazing promos that have been improved through the site via click the web link below. You might possibly see the beneficial offer and you can not deny it, wish you have the very good deal.
![Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Citron) Tote Handbags](
Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Citron) Tote Handbags Description
Up the ante on your adorable factor when you carry this pretty Tablet Tote.Printed polyester tote with quilted detail.Top zip closure.Dual shoulder straps.Exterior front slip pocket with flap front and twist-lock closure.Exterior side slip pockets.Flat bottom supports upright structure.Lined interior with back wall zip pocket and organizational slip pockets.Imported. Measurements:Bottom Width: 12 inDepth: 6 inHeight: 13 1 2 inStrap Length: 23 inStrap Drop: 10 inWeight: 1 lb 2 oz
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