Black Friday Sale Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Pink Swirls) Tote Handbags Right Now
With this Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Pink Swirls) Tote Handbags you just recently to determine the advantages that hook up with you demand, recommended it's actually a good product for value.
Price : $88.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Vera Bradley
Merchant :
Product ID : ae48da80587e8ea09c555bce39cc329f
Rating :
In the case that you are likely considering to shopping for item at a good quality and a practical deal. We strongly suggested Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Pink Swirls) Tote Handbags is just one of premium and more well-liked item item that you are looking for. Also if you examine it meticulously about item detail, functions and handy consumer comments, of course you must certainly not decline to purchase it one. You could look at the present price via the web link below.
![Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Pink Swirls) Tote Handbags](
Vera Bradley Tablet Tote (Pink Swirls) Tote Handbags Description
Up the ante on your adorable factor when you carry this pretty Tablet Tote.Printed polyester tote with quilted detail.Top zip closure.Dual shoulder straps.Exterior front slip pocket with flap front and twist-lock closure.Exterior side slip pockets.Flat bottom supports upright structure.Lined interior with back wall zip pocket and organizational slip pockets.Imported. Measurements:Bottom Width: 12 inDepth: 6 inHeight: 13 1 2 inStrap Length: 23 inStrap Drop: 10 inWeight: 1 lb 2 oz
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