Black Friday Deals 2014 Victorinox Swiss Army 303811 Victoria 15.6" 4-Wheel Overnight Laptop Case with Tablet / eReader Pocket Instantly
Victorinox Swiss Army 303811 Victoria 15.6" 4-Wheel Overnight Laptop Case with Tablet / eReader Pocket is really a beneficial products with a incredibly good offer, worth every dollar. Very happy. Hot Offer Victorinox Swiss Army 303811 Victoria 15.6" 4-Wheel Overnight Laptop Case with Tablet / eReader Pocket
Price : $279.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Victorinox Swiss Army
Merchant : HomeClick
Product ID : f94d8aa0b3ac7b7ebf91f15bd0963ad0
Rating :
One of outstanding item is feature Victorinox Swiss Army 303811 Victoria 15.6" 4-Wheel Overnight Laptop Case with Tablet / eReader Pocket confirmed through a great deal of feedbacks from genuine buyers validated that Victorinox Swiss Army 303811 Victoria 15.6" 4-Wheel Overnight Laptop Case with Tablet / eReader Pocket is excellent and usable item and well worth the cash that they paid. If you have any concerns about the features of the item or desire to examine the present price of the product. Just select the link below, you will locate a budget friendly deals that obvious.
Victorinox Swiss Army 303811 Victoria 15.6" 4-Wheel Overnight Laptop Case with Tablet / eReader Pocket Description
Nylon Fits most 15.6" laptops One-touch, lightweight aluminum dual-trolley handle Four, multi-directional wheels for smooth rolling Top zippered padded pocket for tablet eReader Main compartment includes large pocket for file storage Two peripherals pockets and a zippered pocket for small items Front compartment includes a dedicated padded laptop compartment and two large peripherals pockets Organizational panel with media pockets, pen loops, micro-suede zippered valuable pocket, etc Leather carrying handleDepth: 8 Height: 13 Weight: 5.5 lbs Width: 17-1 2
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Image | Item | Price | |
Victorinox Swiss Army 303811 Victoria 15.6" 4-Wheel Overnight Laptop Case with Tablet / eReader Pocket
Merchant : HomeClick |
$279.00 |