Black Friday Online Deals Viewsonic SD-T245 All-in-One Thin Client - Texas Instruments Cortex A8 DM8148 1 GHz - Black Instantly
Viewsonic SD-T245 All-in-One Thin Client - Texas Instruments Cortex A8 DM8148 1 GHz - Black available on the market recently, really find recent selling prices comparison along with shipping and delivery accessible to help you to get the great offer.
Price : $419.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ViewSonic
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 9b341c47843967096e2421bd4e647efd
Rating :

If you are usually thinking about to shopping item at an extremely good quality including an acceptable price. We extremely recommended Viewsonic SD-T245 All-in-One Thin Client - Texas Instruments Cortex A8 DM8148 1 GHz - Black is among premium and even more prominent product product that you are looking for. Even if you learn it carefully regarding item description, features and helpful customer comments, naturally you have to certainly not decline to acquire it one. You can check the existing price through the web link here.

Viewsonic SD-T245 All-in-One Thin Client - Texas Instruments Cortex A8 DM8148 1 GHz - Black Description
The ViewSonic SD-T245 is a 24in. (23.6in. viewable) integrated thin client display that is perfect for any organization seeking cost-effective and flexible solutions for their virtual desktop computing needs. Equipped with a TI 1GHz ARM (R) Cortex (R) -A8 CPU and ARM Linux, the SD-T245 is optimized for all major remote networking protocols including Microsoft RDP with RemoteFX, Citrix HDX, and PCoIP for VMware View- making it a versatile virtualization solution with endless possibilities. With the additional DVI output, flexible support is provided for dual monitor productivity. The eco-friendly design with LED display also consumes up to 80% less energy than standard PCs. ViewSonic thin clients are the smart choice for your virtual desktop deployments. Viewsonic SD-T245 All-in-One Thin Client - Texas Instruments Cortex A8 DM8148 1 GHz - Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by ViewSonic.
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Viewsonic SD-T245 All-in-One Thin Client - Texas Instruments Cortex A8 DM8148 1 GHz - Black
Merchant : Office Depot |
$419.99 | ![]() |