Black Friday Sales 2014 Viewsonic ViewPad 10pi 64 GB Net-tablet PC - 10.1in. - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Wireless LAN - Intel Atom Z670 1.50 GHz - Black
Viewsonic ViewPad 10pi 64 GB Net-tablet PC - 10.1in. - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Wireless LAN - Intel Atom Z670 1.50 GHz - Black offered for sale right now, absolutely see recent prices comparison and shipping suitable for help you to get a huge selection. Hot Deal Viewsonic ViewPad 10pi 64 GB Net-tablet PC - 10.1in. - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Wireless LAN - Intel Atom Z670 1.50 GHz - Black
Price : $499.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ViewSonic
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : febd553338dc10f5b171f5c7c08885c8
Rating :
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Viewsonic ViewPad 10pi 64 GB Net-tablet PC - 10.1in. - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Wireless LAN - Intel Atom Z670 1.50 GHz - Black Description
The tablet that works the way you do.Integrated with the latest Intel Oak Trail Z670 processor engineered specifically for tablets, the ViewPad 10pi 10.1in. Windows 7 Professional based tablet delivers the ultimate in mobility and productivity. Weighing in at only 1.77 lbs, ViewPad 10pi gives you a complete business productivity solution. Enjoy the full Windows experience with all your familiar applications, documents, networking and security features. Watch your work come to life like never before with a brilliant, super-high resolution IPS display for crystal clear images on the capacitive multi-touch 1280x800 screen. Packed with premium features including 64GB storage, dual cameras, pre-installed apps and custom software, ViewPad 10pi is the ideal choice for today's mobile professionals.Package Contents:; ViewPad 10pi Net-tablet PC; Charger With Plugs; USB Data Sync Cable; Quick Start Guide; Compliance Information Viewsonic ViewPad 10pi 64 GB Net-tablet PC - 10.1in. - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Wireless LAN - Intel Atom Z670 1.50 GHz - Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by ViewSonic.
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