Black Friday Sale vitalASC Star-ST9001-4G 9" Android 4.1 Touchscreen Tablet PC with Leather Case and Stand Don't Miss
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Price : $149.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : vitalASC
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Product ID : 8df2026f34e737b4070fb762e00f6707
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One of great product is feature vitalASC Star-ST9001-4G 9" Android 4.1 Touchscreen Tablet PC with Leather Case and Stand approved by a lot of comments through actual consumers validated that vitalASC Star-ST9001-4G 9" Android 4.1 Touchscreen Tablet PC with Leather Case and Stand is great and usable product and actually worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any type of questions concerning the functions of the item or wish to inspect the up-to-date price of this product. Right now select the web link here, you shall locate a nice deals that obvious.
vitalASC Star-ST9001-4G 9" Android 4.1 Touchscreen Tablet PC with Leather Case and Stand Description
vitalASC Star-ST9001-4G 9" Android 4.1 Touchscreen Tablet PC with Leather Case and Stand GPU/VPU: GPU Mali Accelerator,VPU 1080P HD Codec video playback Color: Black CPU Speed: 1.2GHz LCD Features: 9 inch Capacitive 5 point Touch Screen and LCD backlight screen . Resolution: 16:9 Aspect Ratio with 800 x 480 Resolution display Video Memory: DDR3 Memory 512MB , 30% faster and power saving than DDR2 WLAN: 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Webcam: Front 1.3M pixel Camera
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vitalASC Star-ST9001-4G 9" Android 4.1 Touchscreen Tablet PC with Leather Case and Stand
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$149.99 |