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If you have to compared product functionalities and cost. This VOYO WIN-A1 10.1 inch Tablet PC 1280*800 IPS Screen Quad Core 1.8GHz 2GB/64GB Wifi Dual Camera is the perfect choice to pay for. Hot Deal VOYO WIN-A1 10.1 inch Tablet PC 1280*800 IPS Screen Quad Core 1.8GHz 2GB/64GB Wifi Dual Camera
Price : $379.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : TOMTOP
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Product ID : 5b6d916a4f301c0aa6e2867742c8eb4d
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VOYO WIN-A1 10.1 inch Tablet PC 1280*800 IPS Screen Quad Core 1.8GHz 2GB/64GB Wifi Dual Camera Description
VOYO WIN-A1 10.1 inch Tablet PC 1280*800 IPS Screen Quad Core 1.8GHz 2GB/64GB Wifi Dual Camera Color: Blue Service: Wi-Fi Only
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VOYO WIN-A1 10.1 inch Tablet PC 1280*800 IPS Screen Quad Core 1.8GHz 2GB/64GB Wifi Dual Camera
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$379.99 |