2014 Black Friday Wyse C50LE Thin Client - VIA 1 GHz
Wyse C50LE Thin Client - VIA 1 GHz is definitely an awesome stuff at the beneficial total price, worth the cost. Totally pleased.
Price : $351.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Wyse
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : bfc1483d8bb3ea06f5b88b1346deb85f
Rating :

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Wyse C50LE Thin Client - VIA 1 GHz Description
The Wyse C50LE thin client features a separate graphic accelerator for unparalleled performance in its class. The ultra low power media system processor delivers rich multimedia and video playback up to 1080p HD resolution.Package Contents:; C50LE Thin Client; Keyboard; Mouse; DVI to VGA adapter Wyse C50LE Thin Client - VIA 1 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Wyse.
Before you acquire Wyse C50LE Thin Client - VIA 1 GHz, you should look into the attributes of the item, material functionality, advantages and disadvantages of the item so properly. By reading through customer reviews of this item, you should look at many customer reviews. The real users experience of these items are going to help you come to a decision carefully, logically without purchasing mistake and well worth for the price.