Black Friday 2014 Ads XO Vision 7" Tablet for Kids with Multi-Touchscreen
With the XO Vision 7" Tablet for Kids with Multi-Touchscreen you primarily begin to see the benefits which will meet you need to get, suggested it is usually a good product for value.
Price : $139.96 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : XO Vision
Merchant : QVC
Product ID : 1b4aa5d602642817b9919060ebf54b6d
Rating :
In case that you are likely taking into consideration to buying product with a good quality and a sensible spending plan. We strongly suggested XO Vision 7" Tablet for Kids with Multi-Touchscreen is among high quality and additional prominent product item that you are searching for. Also if you examine it thoroughly about product specification, attributes and handy customer evaluations, obviously you need to not refuse to get it one. You can take a look at the recent price through the hyperlink here.
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XO Vision 7" Tablet for Kids with Multi-Touchscreen Description
Worry-free fun. The FunTab Pro 3 FTABBU tablet allows kids to enjoy cool, interactive content just like Mom and Dad, and lets parents to take comfort in its child-appropriate design.What makes the FunTab Pro 3 FTABBU special? Children will have a ball accessing content on the 7" diagonal capacitive multi-touchscreen display. When they want to expand their view, you can even connect the tablet to a HDMI-enabled HDTV via the mini HDMI port and a compatible cable (not included) .What can it do for me? This tablet flaunts two cameras, a kid-safe browser, games and apps, and even Wi-Fi for connecting on the move. Little ones will be engrossed for hours--and Zoodles Kid Mode will put parents at ease.What kind of software does it have? The FunTab is loaded with a wide selection of games--including Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Where's My Water?, and Fruit Ninja--in addition to educational apps by Intellijoy, iStoryBooks, and more! What's in the box? FunTab Pro 3 FTABBU tablet, blue faceplate, pink faceplate, red faceplate, faceplate tool headphones, mini USB 2.0 cable, mini HDMI cable, wall charger, protective sleeve, parents' guide, and quick-start guide.From XO Vision.Wireless capability may require a network connection, additional accessories, and/or a service connection fee.Access to and use of the Internet may require payment of a separate fee to an Internet Service Provider.Please consult the manufacturer's documentation regarding the safe and proper use, handling, storage, charging, and disposal of products containing lithium-ion batteries.
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