Black Friday Ads 2014 XTRONS Android 4.0 In Dash 2 DIN Car Stereo DVD GPS Player Radio Navigation 7" Capacitive Touch Screen Tablet Don't Miss
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Price : $419.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : XTRONS
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Product ID : 1439cd5b01256a97e61ccdd3ec1a95bc
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XTRONS Android 4.0 In Dash 2 DIN Car Stereo DVD GPS Player Radio Navigation 7" Capacitive Touch Screen Tablet Description
XTRONS Android 4.0 In Dash 2 DIN Car Stereo DVD GPS Player Radio Navigation 7" Capacitive Touch Screen Tablet Height: 100mm Width: 178mm Depth: 190mm Weight: 3.12KG Antenna: External 3D View: Yes Voice Guidance: Yes Operating System: Android 4.0
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XTRONS Android 4.0 In Dash 2 DIN Car Stereo DVD GPS Player Radio Navigation 7" Capacitive Touch Screen Tablet
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$419.99 |