Black Friday Ads 2014 2 in 1 USB Car Charger with Laser Style USB Cable for iPhone 4/4S (100cm)
2 in 1 USB Car Charger with Laser Style USB Cable for iPhone 4/4S (100cm) is actually high-quality on what it really does. Help you save money and time with decide to purchase at highly regarded sites online. Hot Offer 2 in 1 USB Car Charger with Laser Style USB Cable for iPhone 4/4S (100cm)
Price : $2.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : e5a1c69086f64dd50ab702c2d94f5970
Rating :
One of outstanding item is consist of 2 in 1 USB Car Charger with Laser Style USB Cable for iPhone 4/4S (100cm) approved through a bunch of opinions through genuine customers confirmed that 2 in 1 USB Car Charger with Laser Style USB Cable for iPhone 4/4S (100cm) is great and usable item and advantage the cash that they paid for. If you have any sort of concerns about the functions of the product or desire to examine the latest price of the product. Just click the hyperlink here, you will certainly locate a nice prices that obvious.
2 in 1 USB Car Charger with Laser Style USB Cable for iPhone 4/4S (100cm) Description
Compatible Models:iPhone 4/4S; Type:Adapters; Port:USB; Color:Blue,Green,Black,Rose,Purple,Yellow; Features:All-In-1; Material:ABS; Input (V) :DC12-24; Output (V) :5; Capacity (mAh) :1000; Cable Length (cm) :100; Dimensions (cm) :6x6x2; Weight (kg) :0.03; Package Contents:1 USB Cable Lead,1 Charger; Note:Colors dispatched at random
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