Black Friday 2014 Deals 3 in 1 USB Charger Cable Apple 8 Pin EU Plug Car Charger with Retail Box for iPhone and Samsung Right Now
3 in 1 USB Charger Cable Apple 8 Pin EU Plug Car Charger with Retail Box for iPhone and Samsung is actually excellent for precisely what it definitely does. Save you money and time through actually purchase at reliable retail stores online.
Price : $3.36 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 3eb3394f476b7a9051e1f2ece142a131
Rating :
In the event that you are likely searching to acquiring product at an amazing high quality along with an acceptable budget. We extremely recommended this 3 in 1 USB Charger Cable Apple 8 Pin EU Plug Car Charger with Retail Box for iPhone and Samsung is among high quality and additional well-liked item item that you are searching for. Also if you examine it carefully concerning item detail, features and practical consumer assessments, certainly you have to certainly not reject to acquire it one. You could check the up to date price from the web link below.
![3 in 1 USB Charger Cable Apple 8 Pin EU Plug Car Charger with Retail Box for iPhone and Samsung](
3 in 1 USB Charger Cable Apple 8 Pin EU Plug Car Charger with Retail Box for iPhone and Samsung Description
Compatible Models:iPhone 5/5S,iPhone 4/4S; Type:Adapters; Port:USB; Color:White,Black; Features:All-In-1; Material:Polycarbonate; Input (V) :AC100-240/DC12-24; Output (V) :5; Capacity (mAh) :1000; Cable Length (cm) :20; Dimensions (cm) :15x8x1; Weight (kg) :0.05; Package Contents:1 USB Cable Lead,1 Adapter,1 Charger; Note:Colors dispatched at random
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