Black Friday Online Deals 6" Magnetic PU Leather Smart Stand Case for Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Cover and 1 Protector 1Stylus Right Now
6" Magnetic PU Leather Smart Stand Case for Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Cover and 1 Protector 1Stylus is definitely an amazing products at a great price, worth every dollar. Totally pleased.
Price : $11.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 19fe0e10060f446b14f5ead2f21ba248
Rating :
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6" Magnetic PU Leather Smart Stand Case for Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Cover and 1 Protector 1Stylus Description
For:Kindle; Type:Cases and Bags; Features:Waterproof; Color:Black; Material:PU Leather; Dimensions (cm) :1712.51.5; Weight (kg) :0.12; Package Contents:1 Tablet Case
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