Black Friday Online Deals ASUS 10.1in Touch Screen Tablet - Grey Instantly
Finally this ASUS 10.1in Touch Screen Tablet - Grey is quite well manufactured, works magnificently, I most definitely notice the decide to buy will probably be worth the budget.
Price : $418.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
Merchant : Sam's Club
Product ID : c7be6f185125ac0d7e4ae5d6de783627
Rating :

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ASUS 10.1in Touch Screen Tablet - Grey Description
Beauty: A perfect vision of tablet technology Slim and stylish, the ASUS Transformer Pad is an engineering masterpiece able to please even the most critical eye with its clean lines and bright display. Our team worked to deliver the same intuitive experience without sacrificing its lightweight design. Sound: High quality audio with SonicMaster The new ASUS Transformer Pad delivers high quality audio to bring entertainment to life. Your listening experience will never be the same again when you hear your favorite tracks through precise and powerful SonicMaster speaker. Touch: Touch the world with your fingers The new ASUS Transformer Pad features a touch panel that gives you complete precise control whether you're gaming or surfing the web. Responsiveness: Accelerate into a lightning - fast future Experience high performance gaming on the new ASUS Transformer Pad and its NVIDIA Tegra 4 1.9Ghz Quad-Core CPU & 72-core GeForce GPU. Be enthralled by visuals with an added layer of depth and dimension. Ubiquity: Giving you everything you need The new ASUS Transformer Pad takes your tablet computing experience further, thanks to its lightweight design and incredibly long battery life. Everything you need is virtually at your fingertips no matter where you need it. Applications: SuperNote SuperNote combines the best note taking and painting functions in a single app. Scribble notes, write directly on phones and share them instantly.
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