Black Friday 2014 Ads ASUS MeMO Pad 7 (ME176CX-A1-RD) 16GB eMMC 7.0" Tablet Review
With this ASUS MeMO Pad 7 (ME176CX-A1-RD) 16GB eMMC 7.0" Tablet you only see the amazing benefits which will get in touch with you requirement, strongly recommended it is usually a good product for value.
Price : $170.60 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
Merchant :
Product ID : ad4fc660612933c8eadd76e4c9bf7a2d
Rating :

The product attributes are superb and loadeded with high quality of ASUS MeMO Pad 7 (ME176CX-A1-RD) 16GB eMMC 7.0" Tablet is the important purpose that gets it one of the product you will acquire bought. Plus, it is additionally friendly budget to your budgets too. You could discover the full item description and take a look at special deals that have been improved coming from the shop using click the web link below. You might possibly find the beneficial offer and you could not deny it, want you have the good deal.

ASUS MeMO Pad 7 (ME176CX-A1-RD) 16GB eMMC 7.0" Tablet Description
ASUS MeMO Pad 7 (ME176CX-A1-RD) Intel Atom 1GB Memory 16GB eMMC 7.0" Touchscreen Tablet Android 4.4 (KitKat) GPU/VPU: Intel HD Graphics Color: Red CPU Speed: Z3745 (1.33GHz) Number of Cores: Quad-core Processor LCD Features: IPS Panel, 330nits Resolution: 1280 x 800 Video Memory: Shared system memory Memory Speed: DDR3 1066
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