Black Friday Deals Supersonic SC-1009JB 8 GB Tablet - 9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A9 Right Now
With Supersonic SC-1009JB 8 GB Tablet - 9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A9 you primarily discover the positive factors that will contend with you need to get, highly recommended it is a good product for value. Hot Offer Supersonic SC-1009JB 8 GB Tablet - 9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A9
Price : $105.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Supersonic, Inc
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Product ID : f3ba54e8abecc89da47c01d2e377a5f9
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In the event that you are really taking into consideration to getting item with a good quality along with an acceptable deal. We very recommended this Supersonic SC-1009JB 8 GB Tablet - 9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A9 is one of premium and even more prominent item product that you are trying to find. Even if you learn it carefully regarding product specification, features and useful customer testimonials, naturally you have to not refuse to buy it one. You could take a look at the present price from the web link here.
Supersonic SC-1009JB 8 GB Tablet - 9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A9 Description
Manufacturer: Supersonic, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: SC-1009JB Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Supersonic Product Model: SC-1009JB Product Name: SC-1009JB Tablet Product Type: Tablet Processor & Chipset: Processor Manufacturer: ARM Processor & Chipset: Processor Type: Cortex A9 Processor & Chipset: Processor Core: Dual-core (2 Core) Memory: Memory Card Reader: Yes Storage: Optical Drive Type: No Display & Graphics: Screen Mode: WVGA Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: Active Matrix TFT Color LCD Display & Graphics: Aspect Ratio: 15:9 Display & Graphics: Touchscreen: Yes Network & Communication: Wireless LAN: Yes Network & Communication: Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: Yes Input Devices: Front Camera/Webcam: Yes Software: Operating System Platform: Android Software: Operating System: Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Physical Characteristics: Form Factor: Slate Package Contents: SC-1009JB TabletUSB CableManualAC Adapter
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