Black Friday Deals 2014 Asus MeMo Pad HD 7" Tablet 16GB SSD with Software Instantly
Asus MeMo Pad HD 7" Tablet 16GB SSD with Software available to buy today, take a moment to discover current prices comparison as well as delivery accessible for help you to get the great offer.
Price : $259.96 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Asus
Merchant : QVC
Product ID : d1d3d3e07b14b82b454b417960a12fce
Rating :

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Asus MeMo Pad HD 7" Tablet 16GB SSD with Software Description
Capability and convenience. The Asus MeMo Pad 7 has all of the features you need in a tablet, like a powerful operating system, a great display, and bonus apps to keep you entertained when you're on the go.What makes the Memo Pad 8 special? With a 1.33GHz Intel Atom Baytrail quad-core processor, you'll be able to work swiftly through all of your applications on the impressive Android 4.4 Kit Kat operating system. Not to mention, 16GB flash memory gives you plenty of space to store documents, pictures, and music.What else can it do for me? The 7" diagonal HD display has a beautiful and bright 1280x800 resolution, perfect for viewing your photos and videos. From Asus.Also included is the Tablet Essentials Deluxe 2 software download card, which offers 14 bonus apps, including Better Photography 101, Britannica Kids: Dinosaurs, and Mobile Biz Pro. There's software that everyone in your family can enjoy.What's in the box? Memo Pad 7 tablet, AC power adapter, documentation, user manual, and downloadable Tablet Essentials Deluxe 2 software.For helpful terms and definitions, please refer to the Tablet Glossary tab above.Wireless capability may require a network connection, accessories, and/or a service fee. Use of Bluetooth technology may require software and accessories.Please consult the manufacturer's documentation regarding the safe and proper use, handling, storage, charging, and disposal of products containing lithium-ion batteries.
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Asus MeMo Pad HD 7" Tablet 16GB SSD with Software
Merchant : QVC |
$259.96 | ![]() |