Black Friday Sales 2014 Asus X200MA-DS02 11.6in. LED Notebook - Intel Celeron N2815 1.86 GHz - Black Right Now
Asus X200MA-DS02 11.6in. LED Notebook - Intel Celeron N2815 1.86 GHz - Black that you can buy now, take a moment to find out latest selling prices comparison coupled with delivery accessible for assist you in getting a huge selection.
Price : $359.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : ffb73fc77ff70edfedf5b87829923d48
Rating :

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Asus X200MA-DS02 11.6in. LED Notebook - Intel Celeron N2815 1.86 GHz - Black Description
IncredibleBeautyVibrant portability The new ASUS X200MA laptop is available in four vibrant colors. Its slim, compact dimensions tip the scales at just 1.2kg, ensuring you have a laptop that is both stylish and portable. IncredibleSoundIncredible sound with SonicMaster ASUS SonicMaster technology delivers a finely-tuned mix of beautiful design, superior audio hardware, and professional-grade audio enhancement software to deliver the ultimate sound experience on your ASUS X200MA laptop.Package Contents:; X200MA-DS02 Notebook; Lithium Ion Battery; AC Adapter; User Manual; Warranty Card Asus X200MA-DS02 11.6in. LED Notebook - Intel Celeron N2815 1.86 GHz - Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by ASUS.
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