Black Friday Sale Asus X551CA-XH31 15.6in. Notebook - Intel Core i3 i3-3217U 1.80 GHz - Black Right Now
Generally the Asus X551CA-XH31 15.6in. Notebook - Intel Core i3 i3-3217U 1.80 GHz - Black is extremely well manufactured, functions amazingly, I positively look into the shop for may be worth the budget.
Price : $536.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : ASUS
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : cbc9a4aa1fabfa9643ad405dfb87ebfd
Rating :
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Asus X551CA-XH31 15.6in. Notebook - Intel Core i3 i3-3217U 1.80 GHz - Black Description
Incredible Beauty A classic, timeless design The ASUS X Series is the perfect all-round laptop for work and play. Stylish and durable design is combined with a choice of Intel (R) or AMD processors, while 2-second Instant on gives smartphone like accessibility and SonicMaster technology gives great sound quality. Incredible Sound Precise, crystal clear audio to complete the cinematic experience On most notebooks, all sound frequencies originate from small onboard speakers. The resulting audio comes from a single source and lacks distinctiveness. Like other notebooks in the ASUS range, the X Series comes equipped with SonicMaster technology and ASUS AudioWizard to bring you high fidelity audio. Experience omnidirectional sound and hear each individual instrument's nuances with the X Series...Package Contents:; X551CA-XH31 Notebook; AC Adapter; User Manual; Warranty Card Asus X551CA-XH31 15.6in. Notebook - Intel Core i3 i3-3217U 1.80 GHz - Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by ASUS.
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