Black Friday Ads 2014 B-350 European Standard AC/DC Adapter/Charger for Tablet (5V, 2000mA, Black)
B-350 European Standard AC/DC Adapter/Charger for Tablet (5V, 2000mA, Black) is truly a beneficial devices at the incredibly good price, worth the cost. Truly happy.
Price : $1.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : e967c9635f7006c52d1a26f4376ed55f
Rating :
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![B-350 European Standard AC/DC Adapter/Charger for Tablet (5V, 2000mA, Black)](
B-350 European Standard AC/DC Adapter/Charger for Tablet (5V, 2000mA, Black) Description
Cable Type:Power Cables; Connector Type:2.5mm/3.5mm; Color:Black; Cable Length (cm) :96cm
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