Black Friday Ads 2014 BlackBerry (R) PlayBook (TM) Tablet, 32GB, Black
BlackBerry (R) PlayBook (TM) Tablet, 32GB, Black is actually an excellent devices at a great deal, worth the cost. Truly pleased. Hot Offer BlackBerry (R) PlayBook (TM) Tablet, 32GB, Black
Price : $599.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : BlackBerry
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 7805233c76e686c4c0d6cf13fb55ca6d
Rating :
The item features are outstanding and fulled of top quality of BlackBerry (R) PlayBook (TM) Tablet, 32GB, Black is the key purpose that takes it one of the product you will certainly really get possessed. In addition to, it is too friendly-budget to your budgets as well. You can discover the complete product description and take a look at excellent deals that have possibly been upgraded from the site using click the hyperlink below. You may possibly view the stimulating deal and you can not reject it, want you have the excellent deal.
BlackBerry (R) PlayBook (TM) Tablet, 32GB, Black Description
Ultra-portable, super-powerful and built for performance! Powered by BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0. Includes built-in email, calendar, contacts and video chat, PLUS more productivity tools like Docs To Go (R) and Prints To Go. Also gives you access to thousands of apps, movies and TV shows at your fingertips! Brilliant 7in. LCD touchscreen is great for web, emails, games and more. Built-in Wi-Fi networking lets you work and play on the go. Dual HD video cameras for simple face-to-face video conferencing. Powerful 1GHz dual-core processor in a tablet format. Features support for Adobe (R) Flash (R) - see the web the way it was meant to be seen. Seamless integration with a BlackBerry (R) smartphone. Sleek, stylish and lightweight - a pleasure to use and carry! BlackBerry (R) PlayBook (TM) Tablet, 32GB, Black is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by BlackBerry.
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Image | Item | Price | |
BlackBerry (R) PlayBook (TM) Tablet, 32GB, Black
Merchant : Office Depot |
$599.99 |