Black Friday Sales Blue Wave NC146 3 Tablets 7 Oz. Tabs - Tri-Chlor - 100 Lb. Pail
With this Blue Wave NC146 3 Tablets 7 Oz. Tabs - Tri-Chlor - 100 Lb. Pail you exactly are aware of the good aspects which usually get together with you requirement, is recommended it is actually a good product for value.
Price : $337.73 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Blue Wave
Merchant :
Product ID : 853ae60ef4f8136a202ee35a63aa67df
Rating :

One of very good product is offer Blue Wave NC146 3 Tablets 7 Oz. Tabs - Tri-Chlor - 100 Lb. Pail assured through a bunch of feedbacks coming from genuine buyers confirmed that Blue Wave NC146 3 Tablets 7 Oz. Tabs - Tri-Chlor - 100 Lb. Pail is great and useful product and worth the cash that they paid. If you have any questions about the functions of the product or want to check the current price of the product. Right now click on the web link here, you will discover a really great deals that certain.

Blue Wave NC146 3 Tablets 7 Oz. Tabs - Tri-Chlor - 100 Lb. Pail Description
Huge savings on 3 chlorine tablets. Stabilized chlorine is U.V. protected against the sun's harmful rays and these slow-release tablets require less frequent applications. Each tab is individually wrapped. Convenient for use in floaters automatic feeders and skimmers. 99% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione. Compare to bioguard sun guardexand pace. Powerful 90%. This hot selling tablet weighs 7 oz. and keeps pool water safe and clean by eliminating dangerous contaminants. 100 Lb. Pail.
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