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Price : $18.97 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : BuyBatts
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Product ID : f995264cbee29924db7c0d9bd6b96e16
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BuyBatts AC Adapter Fits Gateway Tablet PC M1300, 4025GZ, 4026, 4026GZ, 4028, 4028GZ, 4030, 4030GH, 4030GZ, 4520, 4520GZ, 4525, 4525GZ, 4528, 4528MX, 4530, 4530GH, 4530GZ, 4532, 4534, 4535 Laptops Type: AC Adapter Compatibility: Gateway Tablet PC M1300, 4025GZ, 4026, 4026GZ, 4028, 4028GZ, 4030, 4030GH, 4030GZ, 4520, 4520GZ, 4525, 4525GZ, 4528, 4528MX, 4530, 4530GH, 4530GZ, 4532, 4534, 4535 AC Adapter Voltage: 19.00V AC Adapter Current: 3.42A AC Adapter Output Power: 65W Parts: 1 Year Labor: 1 Year
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