Black Friday 2014 Ads Cube U51GTC4 Talk 7inch 3G Phone Calling Tablet PC Android 4.2 Quad core 1GB RAM 8GB ROM MTK8382 GPS IPS Screen 1024x600 pixels 3G Android Tablet dual camera Review
Cube U51GTC4 Talk 7inch 3G Phone Calling Tablet PC Android 4.2 Quad core 1GB RAM 8GB ROM MTK8382 GPS IPS Screen 1024x600 pixels 3G Android Tablet dual camera is actually a beneficial gadgets with a really good offer, worth every dollar. Completely joyful. Hot Offer Cube U51GTC4 Talk 7inch 3G Phone Calling Tablet PC Android 4.2 Quad core 1GB RAM 8GB ROM MTK8382 GPS IPS Screen 1024x600 pixels 3G Android Tablet dual camera
Price : $102.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Cube
Merchant :
Product ID : 478ef2a12833ff48f9a43c391dd19918
Rating :
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Cube U51GTC4 Talk 7inch 3G Phone Calling Tablet PC Android 4.2 Quad core 1GB RAM 8GB ROM MTK8382 GPS IPS Screen 1024x600 pixels 3G Android Tablet dual camera Description
Cube U51GTC4 Talk 7inch 3G Phone Calling Tablet PC Android 4.2 Quad core 1GB RAM 8GB ROM MTK8382 GPS IPS Screen 1024x600 pixels 3G Android Tablet dual camera Dual sim+8g TF CARD GPU/VPU: Mali400 Color: White CPU Speed: 1.30GHz Resolution: 1024 x 600 WLAN: 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Bluetooth: Yes HDMI: No Webcam: Front 0.3 MP Back 2.0MP
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