Black Friday Deals 2014 Lenovo A850i 5.5 'Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Dual SIM, WiFi, GPS, MTK6582 Quad Core, RAM1GB ROM8GB) Right Now
When you have to in comparison product features and value. This Lenovo A850i 5.5 'Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Dual SIM, WiFi, GPS, MTK6582 Quad Core, RAM1GB ROM8GB) is a good decision to shop for.
Price : $120.34 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 7c84eef244b8fc0f48549ad6b940be0c
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The product features are exceptional and fulled of excellent of Lenovo A850i 5.5 'Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Dual SIM, WiFi, GPS, MTK6582 Quad Core, RAM1GB ROM8GB) is the great factor that takes it among the item you shall grow bought. As well as, it is additionally friendly-budget to your budgets as well. You could check the complete item detail and take a look at excellent prices that have probably been upgraded from the store through click the web link below. You may get the beneficial deal and you could not refute it, desire you have the awesome price.

Lenovo A850i 5.5 'Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Dual SIM, WiFi, GPS, MTK6582 Quad Core, RAM1GB ROM8GB) Description
Piattaforma hardware:MT6582; RAM:1GB; ROM:8G; Estensione di memoria:32GB; Fotocamera:8 MP; Fotocamera frontale:2 MP; Slot SIM Card:Due SIM; Dimensioni (pollici) :5.5; Risoluzione:960x540; Tipo di schermo:TFT; Tipo di suonerie:WMA,MMF,MID,MP3,Polifonico; Radio FM:Si; Tempo in stand-by:Fino a 280 orario; Tempo in chiamata:Fino A 5 ore; Anno di uscita:2014; Caratteristiche:Ultrasottile,Long Standby,Narrow frame,Scheda full HD; Lista di imballaggio:Libretto di istruzioni - Inglese,Adattatore di corrente (110-240V 50/60Hz) ,Cavo USB,Batteria ricaricabile Li-ion,Auricolari stereo con microfono integrato e clip,Cellulare,Pacco regalo; Misura dello schermo (pollici) :5.1-5.5; Tipo di scheda SIM:Scheda SIM; Capacita (mAh) :2500MAH; Tipo di CPU:Quad Core; 2G:GSM (900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (2100MHz) ; Marca:Lenovo; Servizio offerto:Sbloccato; Sistema operativo:Android 4.2; Connettivita:Bluetooth 3.0,Wifi,3G; Messaggi:MMS,SMS; Dimensioni:183 x 100 x 50mm/ 7.20 x 3.94 x 1.97inch; Colore:Nero; Peso netto (kg) :400g; Lingue:Spagnolo,Cinese tradizionale,Nepalese,Russo,Cinese (semplificato) ,Turco,Filippino,Thai,Svedese,Persiano,Olandese,Norvegese,Polacco,Cinese,Italiano,Slovacco,Arabo,Tedesco,Ceco,Vietnamita,Francese,Ungherese,Malese,Rumeno,Portoghese,Indonesiano,Coreano,Giapponese,Danese,Bulgaro,Inglese,Greco; Formato supportato:SVG,Braccio,TGA,WAV,GIF,MP3,BRM,BMP,JAVA,JPEG,UMD,RMVB,TXT,AVI,PDF,MP4,PNG,3GP,CDR,AMR,PSD,AWB; GPS:GPS; Sensore:G-Sensor,Bussola,Sensore di prossimita,Sensori luce
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Lenovo A850i 5.5 'Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (Dual SIM, WiFi, GPS, MTK6582 Quad Core, RAM1GB ROM8GB)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$120.34 | ![]() |