2014 Black Friday Deals huawei honra 3c 5.0 "telefono inteligente 4G LTE (android 4.4, dual sim, camara dual, wifi, k910,1.6ghz Hisilicon, quad core, 2gb 16gb) Right Now
Generally the huawei honra 3c 5.0 "telefono inteligente 4G LTE (android 4.4, dual sim, camara dual, wifi, k910,1.6ghz Hisilicon, quad core, 2gb 16gb) is very nicely manufactured, goes to work magnificently, I probably think the buy online may well be worth any extra budget. Hot Offer huawei honra 3c 5.0 "telefono inteligente 4G LTE (android 4.4, dual sim, camara dual, wifi, k910,1.6ghz Hisilicon, quad core, 2gb 16gb)
Price : $206.30 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 3c423ba98ec94a168cf15d4464c60b6f
Rating :
The product features are exceptional and loaded with top quality of huawei honra 3c 5.0 "telefono inteligente 4G LTE (android 4.4, dual sim, camara dual, wifi, k910,1.6ghz Hisilicon, quad core, 2gb 16gb) is the important purpose that allows it among the product you may really get purchased. And also, it is too friendly-budget to your wallets too. You could watch the full item description and visit special promos that have recently been up-dated through the shop through click the web link here. You may view the interesting offer and you can not deny it, wish you have the very good price.
huawei honra 3c 5.0 "telefono inteligente 4G LTE (android 4.4, dual sim, camara dual, wifi, k910,1.6ghz Hisilicon, quad core, 2gb 16gb) Description
Plataforma de hardware:K3V2 (Kirin 910) ; RAM:2GB; ROM:16GB; Tarjeta de extension soportada:32Gb; Camara:Doble Camara,8 MP; Camara frontal:5 MP; Ranura de trajeta SIM:Dual SIM; Dimension (pulgadas) :5.0; Resolucion:1280x720; Tipo:IPS; Tipo de tono:MP3,Polifonico; FM Radio:Si; Tiempo de duracion:Hasta 180 horas; Tiempo de conversacion:Hasta 3 horas; Lanzamiento:2014; CARACTERISTICA:Full HD,Linterna,Ultra-Fino,Long Standby,Cuadro Estrecho; Lista de embalaje:Manual de usuario - Ingles,Adaptador de corriente (110-240V 50/60Hz) ,Cable USB de movil,Bateria de ion de litio recargable,Movil; Tamano de la Pantalla (Pulgadas) :4.6-5.0; Tipo de Tarjeta SIM:Tarjeta SIM; Capacidad (mAh) :2300mAh; Tipo CPU:Quad Core; 2G:GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (850/900/1900/2100MHz) ; Marca:Huawei; Servicio ofertado:Bloqueado; Sistema operativo:Android 4.4; Conectividad:Bluetooth 4.0,Wifi,3G; Mensaje:MMS,SMS; Dimension:13.95O7.14O0.92; Color:Blanco; Peso neto (kg) :0.145; Idiomas:Chino,Ingles,Chino tradicional,Chino simplificado; 4G:LTE (850/900/1900/2100/2500/2600MHz) ; Formatos compatibles:WAV,MP3,JPEG,MP4,3GP,Brazo; GPS:GPS; Sensor:Sensor de Proximidad,Sensor de Luz,G-Sensor
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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huawei honra 3c 5.0 "telefono inteligente 4G LTE (android 4.4, dual sim, camara dual, wifi, k910,1.6ghz Hisilicon, quad core, 2gb 16gb)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$206.30 |