Black Friday 2014 Dell D10DP Thin Client - AMD G-Series T48E 1.40 GHz Instantly
Dell D10DP Thin Client - AMD G-Series T48E 1.40 GHz is totally high-quality for what it really absolutely does. Protect you money and time with decide to buy at authentic stores online.
Price : $429.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Dell
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : fe56cd0562268e690187057a463fcc8c
Rating :
In the case that you are thinking about to getting item at a beneficial high quality and also an acceptable budget. We strongly suggested Dell D10DP Thin Client - AMD G-Series T48E 1.40 GHz is just one of top-notch and more prominent item product that you are looking for. Also if you examine it very carefully regarding item description, features and helpful customer assessments, of course you have to not reject to purchase it one. You can look at the existing price through the hyperlink below.
![Dell D10DP Thin Client - AMD G-Series T48E 1.40 GHz](
Dell D10DP Thin Client - AMD G-Series T48E 1.40 GHz Description
The new Dell Wyse D10DP is a powerful yet compact thin client featuring Dell Wyse ThinOS, the ultra-secure, high performance firmware base that greatly simplifies IT management. With the performance of a dual core AMD G-Series APU with an integrated graphics engine coupled with ThinOS, the D10DP offers exceptional thin client PCoIP processing performance for VMware Horizon View environments. The flexible D10DP is also capable of addressing the most demanding applications within a variety of other VDI environments including Citrix, Microsoft, and Dell vWorkspace. Power users will appreciate a rich experience with computer aided design, 3D modeling, and multi-stream HD video applications, while knowledge workers will love the fast, responsive VDI user experience for everyday content creation and consumption, along with unified communications.Package Contents:; D10DP Thin Client; Power Adapter; Keyboard; Mouse; DVI to VGA (DB-15) Adapter; Vertical Feet Dell D10DP Thin Client - AMD G-Series T48E 1.40 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Dell.
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