Black Friday Online Deals Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet - Pink (Refurbished) Don't Miss
Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet - Pink (Refurbished) is very high quality at what it really totally does. Keep you money and time through decide to purchase at highly regarded shops online. Hot Deal Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet - Pink (Refurbished)
Price : $299.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : All4Cellular
Product ID : d4ff64e1f175bc2009d044224d3b3cff
Rating :
One of extremely good product is offer Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet - Pink (Refurbished) verified via a lot of opinions from real customers confirmed that Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet - Pink (Refurbished) is great and functional product and really worth the money that they paid. If you have any sort of inquiries concerning the functions of the item or wish to inspect the existing price of the product. Recently click on the web link below, you will certainly locate a reasonable prices that certain.
Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet - Pink (Refurbished) Description
The Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet Features: Beautiful 7 display 4GB of internal flash memory and you can add up to 16GB MicroSD card 3.5mm headphone jack Built-in mic Wi-Fi connectivity.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Ematic eGlide 2 7 4GB Android Tablet - Pink (Refurbished)
Merchant : All4Cellular |
$299.99 |