Black Friday Sale EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Archos Titanium 70 / 80 / 97 /HD Internet Tablet, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Purple) Right Now
If you should in comparison product abilities and value. This EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Archos Titanium 70 / 80 / 97 /HD Internet Tablet, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Purple) is the right decision to shop for. Hot Offer EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Archos Titanium 70 / 80 / 97 /HD Internet Tablet, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Purple)
Price : $4.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : EZOPower
Merchant :
Product ID : 248819422a83d254722303d9ecb53192
Rating :
In case that you are thinking about to shopping for product with a great top quality including a practical price. We extremely advised EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Archos Titanium 70 / 80 / 97 /HD Internet Tablet, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Purple) is among high quality and even more preferred item product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it meticulously concerning product specification, functions and practical customer evaluations, certainly you should certainly not decline to purchase it one. You can examine the recent price from the hyperlink here.
EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Archos Titanium 70 / 80 / 97 /HD Internet Tablet, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Purple) Description
EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Archos Titanium 70 / 80 / 97 /HD Internet Tablet, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Purple) Type: Micro USB Cable Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Universal Length: 6 Feet Specifications: Various color to choose, 1 cable only. Features: These fully rated universal serial bus cables provide transfer rates up to 480Mbps, depending on USB version, and easily attach to any micro-USB device.
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