Black Friday Ads 2014 EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3, LG nexus 5, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Black)
EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3, LG nexus 5, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Black) is seriously an awesome items at the incredibly good selling price, worth the cost. Completely pleased. Hot Deal EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3, LG nexus 5, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Black)
Price : $4.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : EZOPower
Merchant :
Product ID : 5a86c2dbcf9d844ee2f3104e3f10f2cb
Rating :
The item attributes are excellent and loaded with premium quality of EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3, LG nexus 5, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Black) is the weighty purpose that gets it one of the item you will acquire owned. In addition to, it is as well friendly budget to your wallets as well. You can see the complete item summary and have a look at amazing promotions that have really been improved from the site via click the hyperlink here. You may possibly discover the amazing deal and you can not deny it, want you get the great price.
EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3, LG nexus 5, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Black) Description
EZOPower 6 Feet USB Data Sync & Charge Micro-USB Cable for Samsung Galaxy S5, Note 3, LG nexus 5, Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8 / 10 and More ? (Black) Type: Micro USB Cable Compatible Phone Manufacturer: Universal Length: 6 Feet Specifications: Various color to choose, 1 cable only. Features: These fully rated universal serial bus cables provide transfer rates up to 480Mbps, depending on USB version, and easily attach to any micro-USB device.
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