Black Friday Sales EZOPower Extra Long Green 6ft Micro-USB 2in1 Sync and Charge USB Data Cable + Cable Tie for Acer ICONIA B1-A71, ICONIA TAB A110, ICONIA A1-810 and more Tablet Right Now
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Price : $4.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : EZOPower
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Product ID : 015f727f8a27197778e9f52bfa9db177
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EZOPower Extra Long Green 6ft Micro-USB 2in1 Sync and Charge USB Data Cable + Cable Tie for Acer ICONIA B1-A71, ICONIA TAB A110, ICONIA A1-810 and more Tablet Description
EZOPower Extra Long Green 6ft Micro-USB 2in1 Sync and Charge USB Data Cable + Cable Tie for Acer ICONIA B1-A71, ICONIA TAB A110, ICONIA A1-810 and more Tablet
Before you purchase EZOPower Extra Long Green 6ft Micro-USB 2in1 Sync and Charge USB Data Cable + Cable Tie for Acer ICONIA B1-A71, ICONIA TAB A110, ICONIA A1-810 and more Tablet, you need to look into the functions of the item, building material efficiency, benefits and drawbacks of the product so well. By looking at customer reviews of this product, you ought to learn numerous customer reviews. The authentic customers experience of these items are going to aid you make a decision appropriately, reasonably without buying error and really worth for the valuer.