Black Friday Sale Garmin 22308-1 Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument Right Now
Garmin 22308-1 Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument is seriously an excellent products for a incredibly good offer, worth every dollar. Totally happy. Hot Offer Garmin 22308-1 Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument
Price : $799.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Garmin
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Product ID : b3b87ac823120c612472f6348491486c
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One of very good item is consist of Garmin 22308-1 Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument accredited via a great deal of opinions directly from real users confirmed that Garmin 22308-1 Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument is excellent and functional product and actually worth the money that they paid for. If you have any concerns concerning the functions of the item or want to examine the latest price of this product. Just select the link below, you will locate a reasonable prices that indisputable.
Garmin 22308-1 Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument Description
"Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Nexus 22308-1 is a NX2 Multi XL instrument which access the functionality via the NX2 Multi control which allows rapid access to regularly required information and enables changes to the set-up of all the instruments. It provides access to the advanced navigation and performance functions that relate to the unique configuration an individual boat. The Multi XL is a fully programmable with large digit display which can be installed anywhere and configured to display any function available from the NX2 network. The 35 pre-configured settings make your personalised page according to requirements. It has three brightness levels which allow you to adjust the intensity to suit prevailing conditions.It features a smart initialisation function to facilitate the installation and set-up of the system. 22308-1 Features: Multi XL Instrument, Digital Display, Bearing & Distance To Waypoint, Displays - Trip & Total Distance - Water Temperature - Apparent Wind Speed - True Wind Angle - Battery Voltage, Speed Functions - Average, Target Boat, True Wind & Apparent Wind Speed, Speed & Course Over Ground, External & Man Over Board MOB, Depth Sub-Functions Alarms - Deep, Shallow, Anchor & Arrival Alarm, Cross Track Error, Steer Functions - For Wind, Memory, BTW, CTS, External Trim Button - w/ 1-10 Min Start Timer, Current Set & Drift, 12V DC Power Supply, Waterproof Enclosure"
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This Item Available from 2 Store
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Garmin 22308-1 Nexus NX2 Multi XL Instrument
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