Black Friday Deals 2014 "Garmin 22462N Nexus Nwind, 25m cable" Right Now
If you should in comparison item features and value. The "Garmin 22462N Nexus Nwind, 25m cable" is a wonderful decision to pay money for. Hot Offer "Garmin 22462N Nexus Nwind, 25m cable"
Price : $599.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Garmin
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Product ID : e290421dad811f1a9697b711fd323c41
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The product attributes are exceptional and packed with top quality of "Garmin 22462N Nexus Nwind, 25m cable" is the weighty purpose that takes it one of the item you may really get had. Along with, it is likewise friendly-budget to your wallets also. You could find the complete item summary and look into wonderful promos that have really been upgraded coming from the shop through click the web link below. You may select the amazing deal and you can not refute it, wish you get the good price.
"Garmin 22462N Nexus Nwind, 25m cable" Description
"Nexus Nwind, 25m Cable Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Nexus 22462N is a NWIND transducer with 25m cable that connects directly to the Nexus network and provides 30 NWIND transducer to the system. It provides accurate True Wind Speed (TWS) by using a propeller in lighter air and the twin fin design gives a more stable True Wind Direction (TWD) . The NWIND transducer provides a highly accurate output for the Nexus network. 22462N Features: NWIND Transducer, Twin-fin Design - True Wind Speed (TWS) - True Wind Direction (TWD) , Blade Propeller - Accurate TWS in Lighter Air, Superior Accuracy & Excellent Linearity, Forward Mount, Easy to Install, Includes Snap-In Attachment & 25m Cable"
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"Garmin 22462N Nexus Nwind, 25m cable"
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$599.99 |