Black Friday 2014 Toto CST794EFR#01 Cotton Nexus Elongated Bowl toilet and Tank with Review
Can be a safe compared device specifications and cost. The Toto CST794EFR#01 Cotton Nexus Elongated Bowl toilet and Tank with is the right choice to actually buy. Hot Deal Toto CST794EFR#01 Cotton Nexus Elongated Bowl toilet and Tank with
Price : $528.60 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Toto
Merchant :
Product ID : a61796c37ff8fd34366c7138ad842e17
Rating :
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Toto CST794EFR#01 Cotton Nexus Elongated Bowl toilet and Tank with Description
Elongated Bowl toilet and Tank with Right Hand Trip Lever, 12" Rough-In and 1.28 GPF from the Eco Nexus Series When it comes to Toto, being just the newest and most advanced product has never been nor needed to be the primary focus. Toto s ideas start with the people, and discovering what they need and want to help them in their daily lives. The days of things being pretty just for pretty s sake are over. When it comes to Toto you will get it all. A beautiful design, with high quality parts, inside and out, that will last longer than you ever expected. Toto is the worldwide leader in plumbing, and although they are known for their Toilets and unique washlets, Toto carries everything from sinks and faucets, to bathroom accessories and urinals with flushometers. So whether it be a replacement toilet seat, a new bath tub or a whole new, higher efficiency money saving toilet, Toto has what you need, at a reasonable price. Features: Decorative Close Coupled Two Piece Toilet The Nexus Suite: Matching Toilet, Lavatories And Tub Universal Height For Maximum Comfort E-Max Flushing System: Technology 1.28 GPF Upgrade With A Traditional Soft close Seat Or A Washlet Fast Flush: Wide 3" Flush Valve Is 125% Larger Than Conventional 2" Flush Valves ADA Compliant Large Water Surface Specifications: Water Use 1.28 GPF Flush System E-Max Min. Water Pressure 8 psi (static) Water Surface 10-1/4" x 8-1/4" Trap Diameter 2-1/16" Rough-in 12" Trap Seal 2-1/4" Warranty One Year Limited Warranty Material Vitreous china Shipping weight 89.5
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