Black Friday 2014 Ads Toto LPT790.8#51 Ebony Nexus Nexus 24" Pedestal Bathroom Sink with 3 Holes Drilled and Rear Overflow - Pedestal Included LPT790.8 Instantly
All in all the Toto LPT790.8#51 Ebony Nexus Nexus 24" Pedestal Bathroom Sink with 3 Holes Drilled and Rear Overflow - Pedestal Included LPT790.8 is perfectly manufactured, goes to work magnificently, I surely feel the buy online will be worth any extra money. Hot Offer Toto LPT790.8#51 Ebony Nexus Nexus 24" Pedestal Bathroom Sink with 3 Holes Drilled and Rear Overflow - Pedestal Included LPT790.8
Price : $628.20 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Toto
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Product ID : ca3cc992d94f7ba266e26b560c4f20ed
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In the case that you are taking into consideration to getting item with a good high quality along with a practical budget plan. We very recommended Toto LPT790.8#51 Ebony Nexus Nexus 24" Pedestal Bathroom Sink with 3 Holes Drilled and Rear Overflow - Pedestal Included LPT790.8 is one of high quality and even more preferred product item that you are looking for. Even if you research it meticulously regarding item description, features and practical customer reviews, obviously you have to certainly not refuse to get it one. You could take a look at the recent price through the web link here.
Toto LPT790.8#51 Ebony Nexus Nexus 24" Pedestal Bathroom Sink with 3 Holes Drilled and Rear Overflow - Pedestal Included LPT790.8 Description
Product Features:Oval basin couples functionality with aesthetic appealCovered under Toto s one year limited warrantyConstructed of vitreous china providing a classic look and feelPedestal installation type eliminates the need for an existing vanity or counter top surface to mount the sink onRear drain location increases area in the sink as well as storage underneathEquipped with overflow drain A works in tandem with the primary drain to prevent an overflow or spillageAll hardware needed for installation includedProduct Specifications:Sink Height: 6-3/8" (measured from the bottom of sink to the top of the rim) Overall Height: 34" (measured from the floor to the top of the sink rim) Sink Width: 17-7/8" (measured from the back outer rim to the front outer rim) Sink Length: 24" (measured from the left outer rim to the right outer rim) Basin Width: 11" (measured from the back inner rim to the front inner rim) Basin Length: 15-3/4" (measured from the left inner rim to the right inner rim) Basin Depth: 6-3/8" (measured from the center of basin to the rim) Installation Type: PedestalNumber of Faucet Holes: 3Drain Outlet Connection: 1-1/4"About Toto:For over 90 years Toto has been producing superbly designed, high-performance plumbing products for residential and commercial bathrooms. With a concentration on creating a more enjoyable bathroom experience, Toto infuses its products with sophisticated styling and substance. Each product is constructed and fine-tuned with computer precision and relentless attention to detail. Through ever evolving manufacturing practices and new technologies, Toto consistently leads the way in plumbing fixture efficiency and sustainability. It is this pursuit of excellence that pushes them beyond industry standar
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