Black Friday Sale Ghent NEX206MW-CM Nexus IdeaWall - Carbon Mesh Don't Miss
With the Ghent NEX206MW-CM Nexus IdeaWall - Carbon Mesh you just recently are conscious of the features which usually hook up with you require, strongly recommended it's a good product for value.
Price : $2165.28 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Ghent
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Product ID : e38998e253d313300d28f4257b6d23cc
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The product attributes are excellent and fulled of quality of Ghent NEX206MW-CM Nexus IdeaWall - Carbon Mesh is the key factor that gets it one of the product you shall grow bought. Plus, it is too friendly-budget to your wallets also. You could find the full product detail and visit awesome prices that have been up-dated through the shop via click the link below. You might look for the very cool offer and you could not reject it, want you have the excellent deal.

Ghent NEX206MW-CM Nexus IdeaWall - Carbon Mesh Description
4 x 6 Double sided magnetic marker surface. Accent panel in Carbon Mesh plastic. More durable reusable and greener solution than traditional chart pads. Angled foot design allows units to be grouped for a more coordinated collaboration space. Expandable workspace attachable easel pegs give you the option of adding Tablets for additional room. In reach comes complete with side mountable marker and eraser holder. Materials: gray thermoplasticpainted white 28 guage steelplasticpowder coated die cast aluminumsatin aluminum. Width: 76. Depth: 25. Height: 76.
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