Black Friday Sales High Point Vinyl Modern Tablet Arm Chair Caressa Bittersweet Vinyl/Black Laminate Tablet/Aluminum Legs Review
High Point Vinyl Modern Tablet Arm Chair Caressa Bittersweet Vinyl/Black Laminate Tablet/Aluminum Legs for purchase instantly, actually discover most recent prices comparison as well as shipping accessible to aid you in getting the best bargain.
Price : $1149.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : High Point
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : 6d8246519cc60cdc12e29add828b6428
Rating :
If you are certainly thinking about to shopping for product at a fantastic top quality and a sensible offer. We strongly recommended this High Point Vinyl Modern Tablet Arm Chair Caressa Bittersweet Vinyl/Black Laminate Tablet/Aluminum Legs is among high quality and even more popular item product that you are seeking. Also if you study it very carefully concerning item information, functions and useful consumer overviews, naturally you have to certainly not decline to purchase it one. You could check out the current price from the hyperlink under here.
![High Point Vinyl Modern Tablet Arm Chair Caressa Bittersweet Vinyl/Black Laminate Tablet/Aluminum Legs](
High Point Vinyl Modern Tablet Arm Chair Caressa Bittersweet Vinyl/Black Laminate Tablet/Aluminum Legs Description
Treat your guests to modern convenience and style when you equip your reception area, lounge or other public seating space with this vinyl tablet arm chair. This eyecatching chair features a swiveling tablet arm that provides users with a writing surface perfect for filling out forms and setting down belongings without having to put them on the floor. Dualwheel casters on the back of the arm chair make moving it across the room easy, and an attached handle on the back makes pulling more manageable. Visitors to your waiting area or lounge can enjoy cushioned comfort thanks to a generously padded, 5" thick seat which provides plush support. Upholstered in sleek vinyls, this chair is durable and low maintenance enough for regular use in a busy public space. Simply wipe the upholstery down at the end of each day and you're good to go. Anodized aluminum legs give off a sleek, contemporary look that sets this vinyl modern tablet arm chair apart from the crowd. Fully assembled. All Eve products are custom made to order and nonreturnable. This product has been Level 2 certified to support better sustainability standards for offices, homes, schools and healthcare facilities. Products that have obtained Level certification have met sustainability standards through a multiattribute scorecard which takes into account materials, energy and atmosphere, human and ecosystem health, and social responsibility. 5827UA-CA006
If you are undecided on whether to purchase High Point Vinyl Modern Tablet Arm Chair Caressa Bittersweet Vinyl/Black Laminate Tablet/Aluminum Legs or otherwise, the method to aid you determine this trouble is to look over multiple customer reviews of this product. Check out numerous evaluations to find out whether it is an item that meets your specific needs or exactly what this product can give you some really helpful or are you can forgot some problems of it. So all of that ensure you have a purchase with a good reason and worth the cash you pay.
This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
High Point Vinyl Modern Tablet Arm Chair Caressa Bittersweet Vinyl/Black Laminate Tablet/Aluminum Legs
Merchant : National Business Furniture |
$1149.00 | ![]() |