2014 Black Friday HP Pavilion 17-e000 17-e016dx 17.3in. LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A8-5550M 2.10 GHz Review
If you have to compared device features and cost. The HP Pavilion 17-e000 17-e016dx 17.3in. LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A8-5550M 2.10 GHz is a reasonable substitute for decide to purchase.
Price : $433.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : HP
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : d99765416b01f30cdf9b0e2565c1d4ce
Rating :

The product features are exceptional and loadeded with top-notch of HP Pavilion 17-e000 17-e016dx 17.3in. LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A8-5550M 2.10 GHz is the important factor that gets it one of the item you will certainly get purchased. Plus, it is as well friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can view the complete product detail and inspect out amazing prices that have actually been up-dated directly from the shop through click the link here. You may possibly search for the interesting offer and you could not refuse it, wish you have the amazing price.

HP Pavilion 17-e000 17-e016dx 17.3in. LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A8-5550M 2.10 GHz Description
Fully reliable - for any task. Do it all, without fail. Confidently tackle play, using a PC tested for total reliability. View stunning color and graphics on a large display. Enjoy the convenience of multiple connectivity ports, a built-in DVD player, and a numeric keypad.Package Contents:; Pavilion 17-e016dx Notebook PC; Lithium Ion Battery; AC Adapter HP Pavilion 17-e000 17-e016dx 17.3in. LED (BrightView) Notebook - Refurbished - AMD A-Series A8-5550M 2.10 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by HP.
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