Black Friday 2014 IGRMUX8331 - Dell Venue 11 Pro Ultrabook/Tablet - 10.8'' - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Sprint Nextel - 4G - Intel Core i3 i3-4020Y 1.50 GHz Don't Miss
IGRMUX8331 - Dell Venue 11 Pro Ultrabook/Tablet - 10.8'' - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Sprint Nextel - 4G - Intel Core i3 i3-4020Y 1.50 GHz available for purchase currently, just recently find the latest selling prices comparison coupled with shipping readily available for get you the best offer. Hot Offer IGRMUX8331 - Dell Venue 11 Pro Ultrabook/Tablet - 10.8'' - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Sprint Nextel - 4G - Intel Core i3 i3-4020Y 1.50 GHz
Price : $1043.83 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Dell
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Product ID : 34ee107ec63a1d220e9bf6c6a7ab9365
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In the event that you are usually taking into consideration to purchasing product with a fantastic quality and also an acceptable deal. We extremely recommended IGRMUX8331 - Dell Venue 11 Pro Ultrabook/Tablet - 10.8'' - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Sprint Nextel - 4G - Intel Core i3 i3-4020Y 1.50 GHz is just one of high quality and even more popular product item that you are trying to find. Even if you examine it very carefully about product description, functions and valuable consumer assessments, naturally you must certainly not reject to acquire it one. You could check out the recent price via the hyperlink here.
IGRMUX8331 - Dell Venue 11 Pro Ultrabook/Tablet - 10.8'' - In-plane Switching (IPS) Technology - Sprint Nextel - 4G - Intel Core i3 i3-4020Y 1.50 GHz Description
Access. Share. Connect. Engineered to impress: The high-resolution 10.8'' Full HD (1080p) display allows you to be productive anytime and anywhere. Delivering wide viewing angles the Venue 11 Pro is perfect for multi-tasking; creating stunning presentations or watching your favorite High Definition movie. All-access from anywhere: PocketCloud 2.0 gives you access to your content and applications from a PC; smartphone or tablet so you can update and share your files wherever you go. Performance you can count on Give your productivity a boost: Connect multiple monitors; plug straight into your network for faster speeds and transfer files faster with USB 3.0. To protect and secure Anytime; anywhere protection: Dell Data Protection/Encryption (DDP/E) offers nondisruptive endpoint encryption solutions designed to protect data wherever it goes.
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