Black Friday 2014 Deals Ithink Ultrathin 8500mAh Universal Power Bank External Battery Charger for iPhone 6 5s 4S, Samsung, iPad and Others
Over all the Ithink Ultrathin 8500mAh Universal Power Bank External Battery Charger for iPhone 6 5s 4S, Samsung, iPad and Others is perfectly made, is working magnificently, I truly think the decide to purchase may be worth the budget. Hot Offer Ithink Ultrathin 8500mAh Universal Power Bank External Battery Charger for iPhone 6 5s 4S, Samsung, iPad and Others
Price : $29.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 547801f85801a3cdf99bc2ff92e69b52
Rating :
Along with outstanding product is offer Ithink Ultrathin 8500mAh Universal Power Bank External Battery Charger for iPhone 6 5s 4S, Samsung, iPad and Others approved by a great deal of feedbacks through realistic users validated that Ithink Ultrathin 8500mAh Universal Power Bank External Battery Charger for iPhone 6 5s 4S, Samsung, iPad and Others is really good and functional item and actually worth the money that they spent. If you have any problems about the functions of the product or wish to check the recent price of this product. Exactly click the link here, you will find a affordable deals that irrefutable.
Ithink Ultrathin 8500mAh Universal Power Bank External Battery Charger for iPhone 6 5s 4S, Samsung, iPad and Others Description
Brand:Ithink; Cell type:Li-polymer; Capacity Range (mAh) :7500-10000; Input Voltage (V) :5; Output Voltage (V) :5; Output Current (mA) :1A; Dimensions (cm) :10.5 x 7.1 x 1.1; Weight (kg) :0.168; Capacity (mAh) :8500; Power Display:LED; Features:Super Slim; Compatible With:Universal
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