2014 Black Friday LG Cloud Monitor 19CNV42K All-in-One Zero Client - Teradici Tera2321 Right Now
With this LG Cloud Monitor 19CNV42K All-in-One Zero Client - Teradici Tera2321 you only just begin to see the features that catch up with you really need, strongly suggested it really is a good product for value.
Price : $635.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : LG
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 51da1c458a03feaaec59086552d291a5
Rating :
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LG Cloud Monitor 19CNV42K All-in-One Zero Client - Teradici Tera2321 Description
PCOIP TECHNOLOGYThe LG V series utilises a Teradici (R) PCoIP (R) (PC-over-IP) Chipset and VMware to deliver a powerful and secure virtual computing solution.Compared to a traditional desktop computing system, the V series allows advanced computing with greater security, thanks to PCoIP Zero Clients, while reducing system-building and maintenance costs.LG Cloud Monitor 19CNV42K provides a better work environment in the office. This model is a VMware based Zero Client. The Zero Client technology allows you to conduct computing taskswithout a desktop. The centralised network management supports easy-maintenance and efficient business operations. Furthermore, it employs the Teradici TERA2 Chipset to enhance the features offered by its predecessor.Package Contents:; Cloud Monitor V 19CNV42K Zero Client; Power Adapter LG Cloud Monitor 19CNV42K All-in-One Zero Client - Teradici Tera2321 is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by LG.
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