Black Friday Ads 2014 Samsung GALAXYNOTE10.1-GREY 16 GB Tablet
Samsung GALAXYNOTE10.1-GREY 16 GB Tablet is extremely an incredibly good gadgets at a awesome selling price, worth every dollar. Very satisfied.
Price : $634.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
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Product ID : 08aa556d1defdcd548fd0e1a7aca2716
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In the case that you are likely searching to purchasing product at a great high quality together with a practical spending plan. We extremely recommended Samsung GALAXYNOTE10.1-GREY 16 GB Tablet is one of high quality and additional preferred product item that you are looking for. Even if you examine it thoroughly about item detail, attributes and handy consumer testimonials, naturally you should not decline to acquire it one. You can inspect the recent price through the hyperlink here.
![Samsung GALAXYNOTE10.1-GREY 16 GB Tablet](
Samsung GALAXYNOTE10.1-GREY 16 GB Tablet Description
"Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 / GT-N8000 Grey Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Samsung Galaxy-Note-10.1 is a stylish and versatile 10.1-inch tablet that features Samsung's unique S Pen technology, which lets you edit photos, create detailed illustrations, and take handwritten notes with unmatched precision and pressure sensitivity. The tablet also boasts multiscreen functionality, which enables faster multitasking by letting you interact with multiple apps in separate windows. The Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 is powered by Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, 1.4 GHz Quad-core Processor and 2 GB RAM, with which you can enjoy a fast, smooth user experience. With 16 GB of onboard memory storage, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 offers room for plenty of video, music, and other media. Moreover a microSD card slot allows you to expand the tablet's memory even further. This tablet also features Samsung's innovative Pop Up Play, which lets you collapse any video you are watching into a smaller window, so you will be able to browse the Internet, compose emails, or even play games without interrupting the video you are watching. Galaxy-Note-10.1 Features: Tablet, 10.1"" Touch Screen, HSDPA, 5.0 Megapixel Camera, 64GB microSD Expansion, Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi Capable: Transfer Pictures From any Computer Over The Internet, SIM Card Type: Mini, Android 4.0 ICS, Web, Video, Email Access, Pressure-Sensitive S Pen - Easy Drawing & Note-taking, 1.4 GHz Quad-core CPU, Memory: 16 GB Internal, 2 GB RAM, Wireless Internet Connection W/ High-Speed Networking Support (Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g) , Multiscreen Functionality - Faster & More Efficient Multitasking, Dual Camera - 3 MP Back Camera w/ LED Flash - 2MP Front Camera, Pop Up Play - Allows Easy Video Multitasking, Connections - USB 2.0 (1) - 1/8"" (3.5mm) Headphone (1) , Samsung Galaxy-Note-10.1 Includes: Galaxy Note 10.1 16GB Tablet, S Pen, User Manual, Battery"
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Samsung GALAXYNOTE10.1-GREY 16 GB Tablet
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