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LOGITECH, INC. Ultrathin Aluminum Cover for iPad 2/3 LOG920004013 is truly excellent on what it really definitely does. Protect you money and time with actually purchase at trustworthy online shops. Hot Offer LOGITECH, INC. Ultrathin Aluminum Cover for iPad 2/3 LOG920004013
Price : $151.10 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : 83db90f5f3d2b0d1b7b824ed8c44318b
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One of exceptional product is normally include LOGITECH, INC. Ultrathin Aluminum Cover for iPad 2/3 LOG920004013 authorized through a bunch of opinions coming from actual consumers confirmed that LOGITECH, INC. Ultrathin Aluminum Cover for iPad 2/3 LOG920004013 is really great and usable product and actually worth the cash that they paid for. If you have any kind of inquiries about the functions of the item or desire to examine the current price of the product. Exactly select the link below, you will locate a profitable prices that obvious.
LOGITECH, INC. Ultrathin Aluminum Cover for iPad 2/3 LOG920004013 Description
* Free Shipping * Its the perfect partner for your iPad. The stylish, ultrathin aluminum screen cover feels great and looks even better. When its time to write an IM or email, youll enjoy typing on this Bluetooth wireless keyboard. Plus, you get a 6-month battery life on a full charge. It securely attaches to your iPad, thanks to the clever magnetic clip. And you can view your iPad from an optimal angle when its time to typeor watch a movie. Instant On/Off automatically wakes your iPad when you open the coverand sleeps when you close it. Wired/Wireless: Wireless. LOG920004013. 920004013. LOGITECH, INC. LOGITECH, INC. Ultrathin Aluminum Cover for iPad 2/3. Cases Wired/wireless: Wireless For Device Type: iPad 3rd gen. Keyboard Design: Ultrathin Ergonomic: No Wrist Rest: No Number Of Keys: 62 Colors: Silver Depth: 7 6/10" Height: 9/10" Width: 9 8/10" Batteries Required: No Frequency: 2.4 GHz Pre-consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0% Post-consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0% Total Recycled Content Percent: 0%
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LOGITECH, INC. Ultrathin Aluminum Cover for iPad 2/3 LOG920004013
Merchant : Walmart |
$151.10 |