Black Friday Sales Luxor Mobile Charging 18 Slot Tablet Storage Cart 39.75"H Instantly
Luxor Mobile Charging 18 Slot Tablet Storage Cart 39.75"H is definitely an excellent devices at the great deal, worth the cost. Totally happy. Hot Deal Luxor Mobile Charging 18 Slot Tablet Storage Cart 39.75"H
Price : $595.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Luxor
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : c92c3558c68915a1688aadaeafff4739
Rating :
One of very good item is include Luxor Mobile Charging 18 Slot Tablet Storage Cart 39.75"H authorized through a bunch of comments through actual buyers validated that Luxor Mobile Charging 18 Slot Tablet Storage Cart 39.75"H is great and useful item and worth the money that they paid for. If you have any problems about the features of the item or desire to examine the up-to-date price of the product. Just now click the web link below, you will certainly discover a affordable offers that certain.
Luxor Mobile Charging 18 Slot Tablet Storage Cart 39.75"H Description
Use this tablet storage cart to not only organize your equipment, but also charge it. This unit is great for training rooms and schools. Moving to a different location is made easy with the four casters. Lock two in place to keep stationary when needed. This tablet charging cart can hold up to 18 tablets, with each shelf (20"W x 16"D) holding up to 9 tablets. Thick 1.75" rubbercoated dividers keep the tablets organized and protected. This unit features 18 outlets arranged vertically near the rear access door to maximize cart space. Store cables, equipment, and accessories on the bottom shelf which has 4.5" of top clearance. Air can move freely though the perforated design for needed ventilation, and the four 4" casters (two stationary casters, two fullswivel ballbearing locking casters) allow you to easily bring this cart to different locations or wheel it into locked storage at the end of the work day. For security purposes, this cart has a heavy duty lock with a set of two keys. Fully assembled. LLTP18-B
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