Black Friday Sales Mxl - Mm130 Handheld Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets - Black Right Now
All-around this Mxl - Mm130 Handheld Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets - Black is extremely well designed, works amazingly, I surely think the purchase may be worth any extra money.
Price : $119.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : MXL
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : e730b1ed33b12b2033668784ae9cbcea
Rating :
In case that you are certainly taking into consideration to ordering product at an extremely good quality and also an acceptable offer. We extremely suggested this Mxl - Mm130 Handheld Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets - Black is just one of top quality and more preferred product item that you are trying to find. Even if you research it carefully about product information, functions and practical consumer assessments, naturally you must not decline to get it one. You can take a look at the recent price from the web link below.
![Mxl - Mm130 Handheld Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets - Black](
Mxl - Mm130 Handheld Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets - Black Description
The MXL Mobile Media MM-130 Handheld Microphone records clear, professional-sounding interviews and more onto your mobile device. The microphone plugs into the 3.5 mm (1/8") jack, making it compatible with virtually all mobile devices. The MM-130 Handheld Microphone lets you record clear, targeted audio using your smartphone or tablet! The MM-130 has selectable omni and cardioid patterns to suit a variety of recording situations. For interviews, the cardioid pattern targets the person speaking and rejects surrounding noise. For interviewing multiple people or recording a performance or room sound, the omnidirectional pattern captures sound from all sides of the capsule. A recessed switch prevents accidental changing of the pickup pattern during use. It also has selectable gain to increase the mic's sensitivity. The MM-130 looks professional on camera! As part of the Mobile Media line, the MM-130 is made for recording audio for video. When you use a video app, the audio captured by the MM-130 is recorded onto the video file. The MM-130 Handheld Microphone is perfect for podcasters, journalists, mobile filmmakers, and anyone in need of better audio for mobile video. The XLR to 3.5 mm cable included with the MM-130 has a built-in headphone jack for audio monitoring and playback. Real time audio monitoring is app-dependent. This cable is removable. If it ever gets damaged, simply replace it. (This microphone will not work with audio mixers by using a standard XLR cable. It is designed specifically for mobile devices.)
If you are undecided on whether to acquire Mxl - Mm130 Handheld Microphone For Smartphones And Tablets - Black or otherwise, the action to help you determine this difficulty is to read through several customer reviews of this item. Check out numerous reviews to figure out whether it is a product that meets your precise wants or just what this item can offer you some absolutely helpful or are you could neglected some problems of it. So all of that make you have a purchase for a great factor and worth the money you spend.