2014 Black Friday Deals Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable

Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable available currently, take a moment to view latest selling prices comparison coupled with shipping and delivery accessible to get you the best bargain.

Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable

Hot Offer Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable
Price : $9639.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Cisco
Merchant : MacMall
Product ID : 401f308c146df05a895ba76a18453f27
Rating :

In case that you are really searching to paying for product at an extremely good quality along with a practical budget. We extremely suggested Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable is among high quality and more popular item item that you are looking for. Even if you study it meticulously concerning item specification, functions and valuable customer testimonials, of course you need to certainly not decline to buy it one. You can look at the up-to-date price via the link below.

Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable

Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable Description

Cisco Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - Switch - L3 - managed - 48 x 10/100/1000 + 4 x 10 Gigabit SFP+ - rack-mountable

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This Item Available from 1 Store

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Nexus 3048 Standard Airflow LAN Enterprise License Bundle - switch - 48 ports - managed - rack-mountable
Merchant : MacMall
price as of : 2014-11-09