Black Friday Sales OFM Sofa with Tablets Black Vinyl Back and Seat/Tungsten Tablet Don't Miss
OFM Sofa with Tablets Black Vinyl Back and Seat/Tungsten Tablet is certainly an extremely good products at a good offer, worth every penny. Completely cheerful. Hot Deal OFM Sofa with Tablets Black Vinyl Back and Seat/Tungsten Tablet
Price : $739.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : OFM
Merchant : National Business Furniture
Product ID : 577f822e179fa1a84517a20802263d0e
Rating :
In the case that you are actually thinking about to getting item at an amazing high quality including a sensible deal. We strongly advised this OFM Sofa with Tablets Black Vinyl Back and Seat/Tungsten Tablet is one of premium and more well-liked product product that you are looking for. Even if you research it thoroughly about item information, attributes and valuable customer evaluations, of course you need to not reject to purchase it one. You can inspect the present price through the hyperlink here.
OFM Sofa with Tablets Black Vinyl Back and Seat/Tungsten Tablet Description
Create a comfortable, stylish and functional reception area with the InterPlay Sofa with Tablets. Guests will be instantly comfortable on the generously cushioned seat and back. Users can easily swivel the tablet in to write or fill out paperwork, and move it out of the way when not necessary. With tablets on both sides, lefthanded guests can also write in a comfortable position. Sofa features a back handle and four locking casters for easy mobility. Ruggedly built with a solid hardwood frame, this chair will stand up to heavy use. Antimicrobial vinyl arms and seat make for easy cleaning. Durable laminate tablet resists scratches and stains. Partial assembly required. 822-N-606-BRONZ
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